Thank you for your interest in the 2025 Ms. New York Senior America Pageant!
We are very excited that you are taking a step toward joining us for our 40th Annual Pageant! The Ms. New York Senior America Pageant gives honor to women who have reached the “Age of Elegance”. We are searching for a gracious lady who best exemplifies the dignity, honor, maturity and inner beauty of all Senior Americans.
Our pageant consists of 4 weighted categories: Personal Interview, Talent Presentation, Evening Gown Presentation and Philosophy of Life. The Personal Interview is a 5 minute meeting/question and answer session between each finalist and the panel of judges. On the morning before the pageant begins, you will have the opportunity to meet with the judges privately so they get to know you. The Presentations of Talent, Evening Gown and Philosophy of Life are done during the pageant. Each section of the pageant has time limits and we will have plenty of rehearsals and pageant coaches to help guide you in the process.
Please fill out this application so we can start getting YOU ready!